At The Temple of The Presence, we seek to help you solve the mysteries of life and answer the all-important questions of who you really are, why you are here, where you came from, and what you came to accomplish. What we offer are some of the keys you need to begin to understand the laws of the universe and how to apply these laws in your daily life. CONTINUE
When you consider the circumstances of your life and world conditions, can you see beyond the chaos and confusion and find some meaning in it all? The key to unraveling both your personal and worldly dilemmas lies in how you think of yourself. There is a Divine Flame of Life burning within each Heart. CONTINUE
You may never have heard of the Ascended Masters, but they have loved you for eons and have both sponsored your excursions into the Earth and watched over each embodiment with the care and concern of a devoted parent. The Ascended Master most widely known is Beloved Jesus. But the Ascension was not unique to only this Son of God. Many have glimpsed the edges of Higher Consciousness, pursued their Vision, and are today Ascended and Free as Ascended Masters. You, too, can become as they are! CONTINUE
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Have you ever considered the true significance of these words? God sent forth the Decree and light became a reality. As the Individuality of your Mighty I AM Presence, you have the ability to send forth Decrees not only for your own well-being, but for the Freedom of the Earth and all who dwell upon her — and have those Decrees become reality. CONTINUE
Invocation to The Violet Flame is our greatest tool for expanding and enhancing our heart's tie with our very own I AM God Presence. It is also our best resource for transmuting and healing all those negative conditions that currently plague our planet, as well as our personal lives. CONTINUE
"The Ascended Master Teaching recognizes a great,
brooding, cooperative Brotherhood and Sisterhood, a Family that shares the Father-Mother Presence of the One God as a common Source and that is motivated by that One God to serve the mankind of Earth in various ways." CONTINUE
Invitation to Join the God Star Vigil
Four-Week Class on The Presence and Role of Angels in Our Lives
Thursday Evenings, March 6 – 27
March 23
Easter Conclave and Acropolis Sophia
April 16 – 27
YouTube Videos
Dictations from the Ascended Masters
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