Archangel Chamuel is the Lord of God's Pink Ray of Love, Adoration, and Gratitude.
"I AM the Archangel Chamuel, and with Me, My Beloved Consort Charity.
We serve on the Third Ray, from the Heart of God, of Love. But I come today
to project from My Heart the most intense Ray of Love. The Love Ray, beloved
hearts, that will not be stopped, will not be interfered with, but will go
on - and keep going until It finds It's Home back in the Great Central Sun.
. . . "
Beloved Archangel Chamuel
February 14, 1999
Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A.
Archangel Chamuel and Charity
Divine Qualities
Divine Ray & Sacred Fire
Third Ray
Pink Flame
In the Etheric Realm over St. Louis, Missouri, USA