Dictation by Beloved Saint Germain, recorded on January 2, 1999 | /Audio/990102.6A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, Psychic Quicksand Part 1, recorded on January 2, 1999 | /Audio/990102.5A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, Psychic Quicksand Part 2, recorded on January 3, 1999 | /Audio/990103.1A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse,This Is Your Life, recorded on June 5, 1999 | /Audio/990605.4A_64K.mp4 |
Saint Germain Inaugurates the Torch Bearers of The Temple, recorded on July 3, 1999 | /Audio/990703.4A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, "What is a Torchbearer?" recorded on August 15, 1999 | /Audio/990815.1A_64K.mp4 |
Dictation by the Beloved Maha Chohan, "Master God in Life and Return Home," recorded on August 15, 1999 | /Audio/990815.2A_64K.mp4 |
Goddess of Liberty, A Dispensation for All Lightbearers of the Earth, recorded on October 6, 2002 | /Audio/021006.2A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, To Hallow Space, recorded on October 6, 2002 | /Audio/021006.1A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Jesus, Thanksgiving Day Address, recorded on November 28, 2002 | /Audio/021128.1A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, Waging Peace, recorded on March 16, 2003 | /Audio/030316.1A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Archangel Michael, The Light of God Never Fails! Recorded on March 23, 2003 | /Audio/030323.2A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Lord Gautama, Wesak 2003 Address - The Pathway of the Heart, recorded on May 15, 2003 | /Audio/030515.1A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Lady Master Nada, Anchor the Light of the Ruby Ray, recorded on May 18, 2003 | /Audio/030518.1A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved El Morya, The Fabric of God as Hierarchy, recorded on May 21, 2003 | /Audio/030521.2A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Lord Maitreya, Communion With God Is a Most Serious Endeavor! Recorded on January 25, 2004 | /Audio/040125.2A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, You Are To Be the Holy Grail of Your Presence, recorded on January 25, 2004 | /Audio/040125.1A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, How to Avoid Returning Karma of the Mass Consciousness, recorded on September 5, 2004 | /Audio/040905.1A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Heros and Amora, Let Our Voice be Heard and Our Love Anchored on Earth, recorded on September 5, 2004 | /Audio/040905.2A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, Ecce Deus versus the Terrible Too's, recorded on December 5, 2004 | /Audio/041205.1A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, Do Not Settle for Anything Less Than Your Presence, recorded on May 1, 2005 | /Audio/050501.1A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Serapis Bey, The Example of Pope JohnPaul II's Ascension, recorded on May 1, 2005 | /Audio/050501.2A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Kuthumi, Understanding the Seeming Cataclysms in Your Life, recorded on September 11, 2005 | /Audio/050911.2A_64K.mp4 |
Discourse, Use Your Freedom to Strive Toward Your Presence, recorded on September 11, 2005 | /Audio/050911.1A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Jesus, Thanksgiving Day Address, recorded on November 24, 2005 | /Audio/051124.1A_64K.mp4 |
Beloved Vesta, You Must Become the Temple, recorded on April 20, 2006 | /Audio/060420.3A_64K.mp4 |
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