Archangel Michael is the Lord of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Will of God.
" . . . It is no accident that the Mosaic Dispensation came forth to lay the foundation of the inviolate principles of Cosmic Law, preparing the way for the consciousness to be able to receive the Christ. And it is no accident that the Christ came forth through the Piscean Dispensation bringing all of the Teaching and Instruction so you would understand what is meant by the Christ, the only begotten of the Presence. Now, Beloved, it is time for you to understand that you are to become that Christ. It is no longer the Single-Eyed Vision of the one Son of God but of the many Sons and Daughters who are required to envelop the land in the Love, the Action, the Illumination of the Christ, and to lead all others into that same Unity. . . . "
Beloved Archangel Michael
December 19, 2004 Tucson, Arizona U.S.A.
Complete written transcription of Archangel Michael's Address on
December 19, 2004
" . . . Know that as the Authority for the Blue Flame of the Will of God and the Protection of the Faithful, We will stand to keep that Faith with you in all areas, regardless of your outer attainment if you will allow us. The Light of God is on your side and on the side of America! Do not think for one moment that America has been weakened by this attack! America has only been strengthened. There will be the great awakening to that which has been revealed by this attack: the areas of vulnerability of the American people. We will see to it that those who can take action immediately know of these vulnerabilities. Students of the Light throughout the Earth, know well that America stands for Freedom and will continue to do so! . . . "
Beloved Archangel Michael
September 11, 2001 Tucson, Arizona U.S.A.
Complete written transcription of Archangel Michael's Address to
the world on September 11, 2001
" . . . Yes I, Michael the Archangel, have come with My Legions this night, and We have come in full regalia to assist the Lightbearers of the world in the ongoing Victory of their return home in the Light. Yes I, Archangel Michael, am here to remind you that it has not been so very long in the milleniums of time, in my estimations, that I came with the very first root race. I came as Defender of the Faith. . . . "
Beloved Archangel Michael
November 6, 1999 Bozeman, Montana U.S.A.
Archangel Michael and Faith
Painting of Archangel Michael and Faith by Marius Michael-George (Copyright © 2002 Marius Michael-George) 14" x 18", 13" x 17", & 8" x 10" reproductions available from Marius Fine Art Studio.
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