Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
It is with great Joy that I, El Morya, come to you, announcing a new Dispensation from the Great White Brotherhood to unascended mankind. Through the Kindness and Sponsorship of our Lord the Maha Chohan, the Ascended Masters have once again taken up the torch of an unbroken stream of communication with Their unascended brethren. We are eternally grateful to the Maha Chohan for taking on the responsibility for the regular release from the Ascended Master Octave of the Ruby Chalice Visitations, which shall come forth as Our representatives are able with the rhythm and with constancy of the Heartbeat of the Godhead.
Let Me emphasize that these Visitations are not simply transcriptions of the live Dictations of the Ascended Masters previously delivered as formal Addresses to Their students and the general public. Rather imagine if you will the Maha Chohan or the presiding Master of the week, sitting with pen in hand and composing each Visitation with each of you in mind. Each letter is intended by Us to be for each of you a personal interview where you step into the inner Electronic Circle of the Master, wrapped for a time in the Radiant Mantle of His Ascended Presence.
Do not underestimate the efficacy of this open line of communication. Over the precious Thread of Contact afforded by the Visitation will pass to your consciousness unspoken insight about the current course of your worldly labors and affairs, and as regards the spiritual work pledged and undertaken at inner levels by your lifestream.
The Ruby Chalice Visitations are intended by the Brotherhood to be intimate Upper Room experiences where you as disciple may receive the Substance and Life of the Ascended Master Consciousness. The Visitations represent an extraordinary opportunity for each aspirant to receive firsthand the fiery Love of the Master, sealing you in His Peace and sending you forth through your week buoyed by the joyous realization of your own conscious contact with that Radiant Living Presence.
When you break the seal on each Visitation as it comes to you, understand that moment as your time of communion through no mediator save your own God Presence. As you read the Master's Words, composed in the immediacy of the present moment, He is indeed extending to you the Ruby Chalice of His Ascended Master Light and Consciousness, precipitated as Liquid Light. Simple as the Words may appear, each and every One is a Cup of Living Fire.
Certainly you will carry the Visitation with you to reread many times throughout the week. But do not deprive yourself of the actual inner ceremony taking place when you and the Master first step into the consecrated circle of the Visitation. For upon the occasion of the first reading, rest assured the presiding Master will focus His attention on you as you read His words and His Luminous Presence will indeed enter the atmosphere of the forcefield which you have prepared for His coming. Can you appreciate the full weight of His blessed Consciousness pressed upon you in that hour? You will indeed "entertain angels." Be aware!
Is not this closer association with you the object of our efforts for more than a century? Have you not desired it? Have you not worked and served for it? We strive for the strengthening of this Thread of Contact with not one but many Sons and Daughters worthy to stand in the Sacred, Living Presence. Therefore do not cheat yourself of the full measure of this experience by reading the Ruby Chalice for the first time stuck in rush hour traffic on your way to work, or at the lunch counter. Rather know the meaning of the scripture,
"The Lord is in His Holy Temple. Let all of earth keep silent before Him and be at Peace."
Set your personal forcefield in this manner, assure yourself of a few moments of uninterrupted contemplation, break the seal, and drink in the Master's living Presence, knowing that each Ascended Brother or Sister has penned their Visitation with you in mind and in your present set of circumstances. Enter into this reverent spirit, elevate your heart to the Sacred, and you shall have such Consolation as to melt the frozen waters round the heart, giving birth instead to the first rose of spring, the Rose of Sharon.
We are indeed grateful that once again your hands and arms are clasped with those of your Ascended Brothers and Sisters. This fulcrum of God Reality in your life shall not be denied. The Juggernaut of modern commercial life has met its master. It shall return to its former state as servant to the Firstborn. Having safely broken open this ampoule of Ascended Master Light and poured it carefully into your aura, you shall carry the Radiation of the Visitation with you throughout your busy days, reconnecting with the Light of that original release on a moment's notice simply by looking up into the smiling countenance of your Master and returning to your sacred labor assured of your own direct link with Hierarchy.
Elevate the Chalice!
It shall be filled!
Drink ye all of it!
Ruby Chalice Visitations Index
Invitation to Join the God Star Vigil
Four-Week Class on The Presence and Role of Angels in Our Lives
Thursday Evenings, March 6 – 27
March 23
Easter Conclave and Acropolis Sophia
April 16 – 27
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