We invite all to join us in the Joy, Love, Light, and Fire of Communion with the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and Cosmic Beings through Their Discourses and Dictations delivered during special Holiday Services through the Messengers, Monroe and Carolyn Shearer. These are held on:
Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, during the Wesak Festival, and on May 21, the anniversay of the founding of The Temple of The Presence.
We invite you to visit our Welcome page, and we urge new listeners to visit our Broadcast Explanation page. This page will help you understand and prepare for what you will hear during broadcasts of live events.
Free broadcasts of Holiday Services over the Internet (see this page shortly before a holiday to see the updated schedule)
Invitation to Join the God Star Vigil
Four-Week Class on The Presence and Role of Angels in Our Lives
Thursday Evenings, March 6 – 27
March 23
Easter Conclave and Acropolis Sophia
April 16 – 27
YouTube Videos
Dictations from the Ascended Masters
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New audio DVD album!
New ebooks available!
New French translations available!