The Temple of The Presence®
The Temple of The Presence®

The Torch is Passed

The Piscean Age to The Aquarian Age

Jesus and Saint Germain

Dictation by Jesus    ~     Dictation by Saint Germain

Through Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative®

October 18, 1998
(To listen to these audio recordings, you will need Windows Media Player installed on your computer.)


"We are entering into a New Cycle.

Today, we stand at the close of the Cycles of Time! 

We stand at the opening of the two thousand year cycle when the outpouring of the Seventh Ray is beginning to be felt by spiritually discerning lifestreams. This Ray will, through the next two thousand year cycle, gradually become the religion of the masses."*


Before you play the Dictations, take the time to attune with your God Presence, meditate quietly, or play some meditative music before you listen.


*Lord Maitreya - released through The Bridge to Freedom in the 1950s

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